Pulp Fiction (1994) ★ ★ ★
I've seen "Pulp Fiction" seven times, and with each viewing, my enthusiasm for it has diminished. It is widely hailed as Quentin Tarantino's best movie, thanks to its star-studded cast and flawless technical execution, but there are a few things about it that trouble me. These concerns may have seemed trivial back in 1994, but the director's subsequent career has largely validated my impressions. My primary concern with "Pulp Fiction" is its failure to achieve what every critic claims it accomplished: a convincing non-linear narrative style. Many directors have imitated its fractured approach to storytelling, most to better effect (Christopher Nolan's "Memento" is one famous example), and many utilized it because their stories benefitted from it, which isn't the case with "Pulp Fiction." The film famously arrays its events out of sequence, to impress on audiences that its three main stories are interconnected within a single ...